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Playwright 测试可以在任何 CI 提供商上运行。本指南介绍了一种使用 GitHub actions 在 GitHub 上运行测试的方法。如果你想了解更多信息,或者了解如何配置其他 CI 提供程序,请查看我们详细的 持续集成文档

¥Playwright tests can be run on any CI provider. This guide covers one way of running tests on GitHub using GitHub actions. If you would like to learn more, or how to configure other CI providers, check out our detailed doc on Continuous Integration.


¥You will learn

设置 GitHub Actions

¥Setting up GitHub Actions

安装 Playwright 使用 VS Code 扩展npm init playwright@latest 时,你可以选择添加 GitHub Actions 工作流程。这会在 .github/workflows 文件夹中创建一个 playwright.yml 文件,其中包含你需要的所有内容,以便你的测试在每个推送请求和拉取请求到 main/master 分支上运行。该文件如下所示:

¥When installing Playwright using the VS Code extension or with npm init playwright@latest you are given the option to add a GitHub Actions workflow. This creates a playwright.yml file inside a .github/workflows folder containing everything you need so that your tests run on each push and pull request into the main/master branch. Here's how that file looks:

name: Playwright Tests
branches: [ main, master ]
branches: [ main, master ]
timeout-minutes: 60
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: actions/setup-node@v4
node-version: lts/*
- name: Install dependencies
run: npm ci
- name: Install Playwright Browsers
run: npx playwright install --with-deps
- name: Run Playwright tests
run: npx playwright test
- uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
if: ${{ !cancelled() }}
name: playwright-report
path: playwright-report/
retention-days: 30


¥The workflow performs these steps:

  1. 克隆你的存储库 2.安装 Node.js 3.安装 NPM 依赖 4.安装 Playwright 浏览器 5.运行 Playwright 测试 6.将 HTML 报告上传到 GitHub UI

    ¥Clone your repository 2. Install Node.js 3. Install NPM Dependencies 4. Install Playwright Browsers 5. Run Playwright tests 6. Upload HTML report to the GitHub UI

要了解更多信息,请参阅 "了解 GitHub Actions"

¥To learn more about this, see "Understanding GitHub Actions".

创建 Repo 并推送到 GitHub

¥Create a Repo and Push to GitHub

一旦你完成了 GitHub actions 工作流程 设置,那么你需要做的就是 在 GitHub 上创建存储库 或将你的代码推送到现有的存储库。按照 GitHub 上的说明进行操作,不要忘记使用 git init 命令进行 初始化 git 存储库,这样你就可以对代码进行 addcommitpush

¥Once you have your GitHub actions workflow setup then all you need to do is Create a repo on GitHub or push your code to an existing repository. Follow the instructions on GitHub and don't forget to initialize a git repository using the git init command so you can add, commit and push your code.

Create a Repo and Push to GitHub


¥Opening the Workflows


¥Click on the Actions tab to see the workflows. Here you will see if your tests have passed or failed.

opening the workflow


¥Viewing Test Logs

单击工作流程运行将显示 GitHub 执行的所有操作,单击运行 Playwright 测试将显示错误消息、预期内容和收到的内容以及调用日志。

¥Clicking on the workflow run will show you the all the actions that GitHub performed and clicking on Run Playwright tests will show the error messages, what was expected and what was received as well as the call log.

Viewing Test Logs


¥HTML Report

HTML 报告向你显示完整的测试报告。你可以按浏览器、通过的测试、失败的测试、跳过的测试和不稳定的测试来过滤报告。

¥The HTML Report shows you a full report of your tests. You can filter the report by browsers, passed tests, failed tests, skipped tests and flaky tests.

下载 HTML 报告

¥Downloading the HTML Report

在“工件”部分中,单击 Playwright 报告以 zip 文件格式下载你的报告。

¥In the Artifacts section click on the playwright-report to download your report in the format of a zip file.

Downloading the HTML Report

查看 HTML 报告

¥Viewing the HTML Report

本地打开报告将无法按预期工作,因为你需要 Web 服务器才能使一切正常工作。首先,解压 zip,最好解压到已安装 Playwright 的文件夹中。使用命令行切换到报告所在的目录,并使用 npx playwright show-report 后跟提取的文件夹的名称。这将提供报告并允许你在浏览器中查看它。

¥Locally opening the report will not work as expected as you need a web server in order for everything to work correctly. First, extract the zip, preferably in a folder that already has Playwright installed. Using the command line change into the directory where the report is and use npx playwright show-report followed by the name of the extracted folder. This will serve up the report and enable you to view it in your browser.

npx playwright show-report name-of-my-extracted-playwright-report

viewing the HTML report

要了解有关报告的更多信息,请查看我们的 HTML 报告器 详细指南

¥To learn more about reports check out our detailed guide on HTML Reporter


¥Viewing the Trace

使用 npx playwright show-report 提供报告后,单击测试文件名旁边的跟踪图标,如上图所示。然后,你可以查看测试的跟踪并检查每个操作,以尝试找出测试失败的原因。

¥Once you have served the report using npx playwright show-report, click on the trace icon next to the test's file name as seen in the image above. You can then view the trace of your tests and inspect each action to try to find out why the tests are failing.

playwright trace viewer


¥Publishing report on the web

将 HTML 报告下载为 zip 文件不太方便。但是,我们可以利用 Azure 存储的静态网站托管功能轻松高效地在 Internet 上提供 HTML 报告,只需最少的配置。

¥Downloading the HTML report as a zip file is not very convenient. However, we can utilize Azure Storage's static websites hosting capabilities to easily and efficiently serve HTML reports on the Internet, requiring minimal configuration.

  1. 创建 Azure 存储账户

    ¥Create an Azure Storage account.

  2. 为存储账户启用 静态网站托管

    ¥Enable Static website hosting for the storage account.

  3. 在 Azure 中创建服务主体并授予其对 Azure Blob 存储的访问权限。成功执行后,该命令将显示下一步将使用的凭据。

    ¥Create a Service Principal in Azure and grant it access to Azure Blob storage. Upon successful execution, the command will display the credentials which will be used in the next step.

    az ad sp create-for-rbac --name "github-actions" --role "Storage Blob Data Contributor" --scopes /subscriptions/<SUBSCRIPTION_ID>/resourceGroups/<RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME>/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/<STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME>
  4. 使用上一步中的凭据在 GitHub 存储库中设置加密密钥。转到存储库的设置,在 GitHub Actions 的密钥 下,然后添加以下密钥:

    ¥Use the credentials from the previous step to set up encrypted secrets in your GitHub repository. Go to your repository's settings, under GitHub Actions secrets, and add the following secrets:



    • AZCOPY_TENANT_ID 有关如何使用客户端密钥授权服务主体的详细指南,请参阅 此微软文档

    ¥For a detailed guide on how to authorize a service principal using a client secret, refer to this Microsoft documentation.

  5. 添加将 HTML 报告上传到 Azure 存储的步骤。

    ¥Add a step that uploads the HTML report to Azure Storage.

    - name: Upload HTML report to Azure
    shell: bash
    run: |
    REPORT_DIR='run-${{ github.run_id }}-${{ github.run_attempt }}'
    azcopy cp --recursive "./playwright-report/*" "https://<STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME>\$web/$REPORT_DIR"
    echo "::notice title=HTML report url::https://<STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME>$REPORT_DIR/index.html"

可以使用网站的 公共网址 从浏览器访问 $web 存储容器的内容。

¥The contents of the $web storage container can be accessed from a browser by using the public URL of the website.


此步骤不适用于从分叉存储库创建的拉取请求,因为此类工作流 无权访问密钥

¥This step will not work for pull requests created from a forked repository because such workflow doesn't have access to the secrets.


¥What's Next