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默认情况下,Playwright 在 parallel 中运行测试文件,并努力实现机器上 CPU 核心的最佳利用率。为了实现更大的并行化,你可以通过在多台机器上同时运行测试来进一步扩展 Playwright 测试执行。我们称这种操作模式为 "sharding"。Playwright 中的分片意味着将你的测试分成称为 "shards" 的较小部分。每个分片就像一个可以独立运行的单独作业。整个目的是划分测试以加快测试运行时间。

¥By default, Playwright runs test files in parallel and strives for optimal utilization of CPU cores on your machine. In order to achieve even greater parallelisation, you can further scale Playwright test execution by running tests on multiple machines simultaneously. We call this mode of operation "sharding". Sharding in Playwright means splitting your tests into smaller parts called "shards". Each shard is like a separate job that can run independently. The whole purpose is to divide your tests to speed up test runtime.

当你对测试进行分片时,每个分片都可以利用可用的 CPU 核心自行运行。这有助于通过同时执行任务来加快测试过程。

¥When you shard your tests, each shard can run on its own, utilizing the available CPU cores. This helps speed up the testing process by doing tasks simultaneously.

在 CI 管道中,每个分片都可以作为单独的作业运行,利用 CI 管道中可用的硬件资源(如 CPU 内核)来更快地运行测试。

¥In a CI pipeline, each shard can run as a separate job, making use of the hardware resources available in your CI pipeline, like CPU cores, to run tests faster.


¥Sharding tests between multiple machines

要对测试套件进行分片,请将 --shard=x/y 传递到命令行。例如,要将套件分为四个分片,每个分片运行四分之一的测试:

¥To shard the test suite, pass --shard=x/y to the command line. For example, to split the suite into four shards, each running one fourth of the tests:

npx playwright test --shard=1/4
npx playwright test --shard=2/4
npx playwright test --shard=3/4
npx playwright test --shard=4/4


¥Now, if you run these shards in parallel on different jobs, your test suite completes four times faster.

请注意,Playwright 只能分片可以并行运行的测试。默认情况下,这意味着 Playwright 将分片测试文件。了解 并行性指南 中的其他选项。

¥Note that Playwright can only shard tests that can be run in parallel. By default, this means Playwright will shard test files. Learn about other options in the parallelism guide.


¥Balancing Shards

根据你是否使用 testProject.fullyParallel 选项,分片可以在两个粒度级别上进行。这会影响测试在分片之间的平衡方式。

¥Sharding can be done at two levels of granularity depending on whether you use the testProject.fullyParallel option or not. This affects how the tests are balanced across the shards.

使用 fullyParallel 分片

¥Sharding with fullyParallel

启用 fullyParallel: true 后,Playwright Test 会在多个分片上并行运行单独的测试,确保每个分片都收到均匀分布的测试。这允许测试级粒度,这意味着每个分片都将尝试平衡其运行的单个测试的数量。这是确保分片时负载分布均匀的首选模式,因为 Playwright 可以根据测试总数优化分片执行。

¥When fullyParallel: true is enabled, Playwright Test runs individual tests in parallel across multiple shards, ensuring each shard receives an even distribution of tests. This allows for test-level granularity, meaning each shard will attempt to balance the number of individual tests it runs. This is the preferred mode for ensuring even load distribution when sharding, as Playwright can optimize shard execution based on the total number of tests.

不使用 fullyParallel 分片

¥Sharding without fullyParallel

如果没有 fullyParallel 设置,Playwright Test 默认为文件级粒度,这意味着整个测试文件都分配给分片(请注意,同一个文件可能分配给不同项目的不同分片)。在这种情况下,每个文件的测试数量会极大地影响分片分布。如果你的测试文件大小不均匀(即某些文件包含的测试比其他文件多得多),某些分片最终可能会运行更多的测试,而其他分片可能运行更少甚至不运行。

¥Without the fullyParallel setting, Playwright Test defaults to file-level granularity, meaning entire test files are assigned to shards (note that the same file may be assigned to different shards across different projects). In this case, the number of tests per file can greatly influence shard distribution. If your test files are not evenly sized (i.e., some files contain many more tests than others), certain shards may end up running significantly more tests, while others may run fewer or even none.


¥Key Takeaways:

  • 使用 fullyParallel: true:测试在单个测试级别拆分,从而实现更平衡的分片执行。

    ¥With fullyParallel: true: Tests are split at the individual test level, leading to more balanced shard execution.

  • 不使用 fullyParallel:测试在文件级别拆分,因此为了平衡分片,重要的是保持测试文件小而大小均匀。

    ¥Without fullyParallel: Tests are split at the file level, so to balance the shards, it's important to keep your test files small and evenly sized.

  • 为了确保最有效地使用分片,尤其是在 CI 环境中,建议在旨在实现分片间平衡分布时使用 fullyParallel: true。否则,你可能需要手动组织测试文件以避免不平衡。

    ¥To ensure the most effective use of sharding, especially in CI environments, it is recommended to use fullyParallel: true when aiming for balanced distribution across shards. Otherwise, you may need to manually organize your test files to avoid imbalances.


¥Merging reports from multiple shards


¥In the previous example, each test shard has its own test report. If you want to have a combined report showing all the test results from all the shards, you can merge them.

在 CI 上运行时,首先将 blob 报告器添加到配置中:

¥Start with adding blob reporter to the config when running on CI:

export default defineConfig({
testDir: './tests',
reporter: process.env.CI ? 'blob' : 'html',

Blob 报告包含有关已运行的所有测试及其结果的信息以及所有测试附件(例如跟踪和屏幕截图差异)。Blob 报告可以合并并转换为任何其他 Playwright 报告。默认情况下,blob 报告将生成到 blob-report 目录中。

¥Blob report contains information about all the tests that were run and their results as well as all test attachments such as traces and screenshot diffs. Blob reports can be merged and converted to any other Playwright report. By default, blob report will be generated into blob-report directory.

要合并来自多个分片的报告,请将 blob 报告文件放入单个目录中,例如 all-blob-reports。Blob 报告名称包含分片编号,因此它们不会冲突。

¥To merge reports from multiple shards, put the blob report files into a single directory, for example all-blob-reports. Blob report names contain shard number, so they will not clash.

然后,运行 npx playwright merge-reports 命令:

¥Afterwards, run npx playwright merge-reports command:

npx playwright merge-reports --reporter html ./all-blob-reports

这将在 playwright-report 目录中生成标准 HTML 报告。

¥This will produce a standard HTML report into playwright-report directory.

GitHub Actions 示例

¥GitHub Actions example

GitHub Actions 支持使用 jobs.<job_id>.strategy.matrix 选项的 在多个作业之间分片测试matrix 选项将为所提供选项的每种可能的组合运行单独的作业。

¥GitHub Actions supports sharding tests between multiple jobs using the jobs.<job_id>.strategy.matrix option. The matrix option will run a separate job for every possible combination of the provided options.

以下示例向你展示如何配置作业以在四台计算机上并行运行测试,然后将报告合并为单个报告。不要忘记将 reporter: process.env.CI ? 'blob' : 'html', 添加到 playwright.config.ts 文件中,如上例所示。

¥The following example shows you how to configure a job to run your tests on four machines in parallel and then merge the reports into a single report. Don't forget to add reporter: process.env.CI ? 'blob' : 'html', to your playwright.config.ts file as in the example above.

  1. 首先,我们在作业配置中添加 matrix 选项,其中 shardTotal: [4] 选项包含我们要创建的分片总数,shardIndex: [1, 2, 3, 4] 选项包含分片编号数组。

    ¥First we add a matrix option to our job configuration with the shardTotal: [4] option containing the total number of shards we want to create and shardIndex: [1, 2, 3, 4] with an array of the shard numbers.

  2. 然后我们使用 --shard=${{ matrix.shardIndex }}/${{ matrix.shardTotal }} 选项运行 Playwright 测试。这将为每个分片运行我们的测试命令。

    ¥Then we run our Playwright tests with the --shard=${{ matrix.shardIndex }}/${{ matrix.shardTotal }} option. This will run our test command for each shard.

  3. 最后,我们将 blob 报告上传到 GitHub Actions Artifacts。这将使 Blob 报告可供工作流中的其他作业使用。

    ¥Finally we upload our blob report to the GitHub Actions Artifacts. This will make the blob report available to other jobs in the workflow.

name: Playwright Tests
branches: [ main, master ]
branches: [ main, master ]
timeout-minutes: 60
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
fail-fast: false
shardIndex: [1, 2, 3, 4]
shardTotal: [4]
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: actions/setup-node@v4
node-version: lts/*
- name: Install dependencies
run: npm ci
- name: Install Playwright browsers
run: npx playwright install --with-deps

- name: Run Playwright tests
run: npx playwright test --shard=${{ matrix.shardIndex }}/${{ matrix.shardTotal }}

- name: Upload blob report to GitHub Actions Artifacts
if: ${{ !cancelled() }}
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: blob-report-${{ matrix.shardIndex }}
path: blob-report
retention-days: 1
  1. 所有分片完成后,你可以运行一个单独的作业来合并报告并生成合并的 HTML 报告。为了保证执行顺序,我们通过添加 needs: [playwright-tests] 使 merge-reports 作业在分片 playwright-tests 作业上成为 depend

    ¥After all shards have completed, you can run a separate job that will merge the reports and produce a combined HTML report. To ensure the execution order, we make the merge-reports job depend on our sharded playwright-tests job by adding needs: [playwright-tests].

# Merge reports after playwright-tests, even if some shards have failed
if: ${{ !cancelled() }}
needs: [playwright-tests]

runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: actions/setup-node@v4
node-version: lts/*
- name: Install dependencies
run: npm ci

- name: Download blob reports from GitHub Actions Artifacts
uses: actions/download-artifact@v4
path: all-blob-reports
pattern: blob-report-*
merge-multiple: true

- name: Merge into HTML Report
run: npx playwright merge-reports --reporter html ./all-blob-reports

- name: Upload HTML report
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: html-report--attempt-${{ github.run_attempt }}
path: playwright-report
retention-days: 14

现在,你可以看到报告已合并,并且 GitHub Actions Artifacts 选项卡中提供了合并的 HTML 报告。

¥You can now see the reports have been merged and a combined HTML report is available in the GitHub Actions Artifacts tab.


合并报告 CLI

¥Merge-reports CLI

npx playwright merge-reports path/to/blob-reports-dir 从传递的目录中读取所有 blob 报告并将它们合并到单个报告中。

¥npx playwright merge-reports path/to/blob-reports-dir reads all blob reports from the passed directory and merges them into a single report.


¥When merging reports from different OS'es you'll have to provide an explicit merge config to disambiguate which directory should be used as tests root.


¥Supported options:

  • --reporter reporter-to-use


    ¥Which report to produce. Can be multiple reporters separated by comma.



    npx playwright merge-reports --reporter=html,github ./blob-reports
  • --config path/to/config/file

    指定带有输出报告器的 Playwright 配置文件。使用此选项将附加配置传递给输出报告器。此配置文件可能与创建 blob 报告期间使用的配置文件不同。

    ¥Specifies the Playwright configuration file with output reporters. Use this option to pass additional configuration to the output reporter. This configuration file can differ from the one used during the creation of blob reports.



    npx playwright merge-reports --config=merge.config.ts ./blob-reports
    export default {
    testDir: 'e2e',
    reporter: [['html', { open: 'never' }]],