Playwright Trace Viewer 是一个 GUI 工具,可帮助你在脚本运行后探索记录的 Playwright 跟踪。当测试在 CI 上失败时,跟踪是调试测试的好方法。你可以打开跟踪 locally 或在浏览器中打开 trace.playwright.dev。
¥Playwright Trace Viewer is a GUI tool that helps you explore recorded Playwright traces after the script has run. Traces are a great way for debugging your tests when they fail on CI. You can open traces locally or in your browser on trace.playwright.dev.
¥Trace Viewer features
在“操作”选项卡中,你可以查看每个操作使用的定位器以及每个操作运行的时间。将鼠标悬停在测试的每个操作上,并直观地查看 DOM 快照中的变化。及时返回和前进,然后单击一个操作来检查和调试。使用“之前”和“之后”选项卡可以直观地查看操作之前和之后发生的情况。
¥In the Actions tab you can see what locator was used for every action and how long each one took to run. Hover over each action of your test and visually see the change in the DOM snapshot. Go back and forward in time and click an action to inspect and debug. Use the Before and After tabs to visually see what happened before and after the action.
¥Selecting each action reveals:
¥action snapshots
¥action log
¥source code location
当跟踪时打开 screenshots
¥When tracing with the screenshots
option turned on (default), each trace records a screencast and renders it as a film strip. You can hover over the film strip to see a magnified image of for each action and state which helps you easily find the action you want to inspect.
¥Double click on an action to see the time range for that action. You can use the slider in the timeline to increase the actions selected and these will be shown in the Actions tab and all console logs and network logs will be filtered to only show the logs for the actions selected.
当启用 snapshots
选项(默认)进行跟踪时,Playwright 会为每个动作捕获一组完整的 DOM 快照。根据操作的类型,它将捕获:
¥When tracing with the snapshots
option turned on (default), Playwright captures a set of complete DOM snapshots for each action. Depending on the type of the action, it will capture:
类型 | 描述 |
前 | 调用操作时的快照。 |
行动 | 执行输入时的快照。当探索 Playwright 具体点击的位置时,这种类型的快照特别有用。 |
后 | 动作后的快照。 |
¥Here is what the typical Action snapshot looks like:
请注意它如何高亮 DOM 节点以及确切的单击位置。
¥Notice how it highlights both, the DOM Node as well as the exact click position.
¥When you click on an action in the sidebar, the line of code for that action is highlighted in the source panel.
¥The call tab shows you information about the action such as the time it took, what locator was used, if in strict mode and what key was used.
查看测试的完整日志,以更好地了解 Playwright 在幕后所做的事情,例如滚动到视图中、等待元素可见、启用和稳定以及执行单击、填充、按下等操作。
¥See a full log of your test to better understand what Playwright is doing behind the scenes such as scrolling into view, waiting for element to be visible, enabled and stable and performing actions such as click, fill, press etc.
¥If your test fails you will see the error messages for each test in the Errors tab. The timeline will also show a red line highlighting where the error occurred. You can also click on the source tab to see on which line of the source code the error is.
¥See console logs from the browser as well as from your test. Different icons are displayed to show you if the console log came from the browser or from the test file.
¥Double click on an action from your test in the actions sidebar. This will filter the console to only show the logs that were made during that action. Click the Show all button to see all console logs again.
¥Use the timeline to filter actions, by clicking a start point and dragging to an ending point. The console tab will also be filtered to only show the logs that were made during the actions selected.
¥The Network tab shows you all the network requests that were made during your test. You can sort by different types of requests, status code, method, request, content type, duration and size. Click on a request to see more information about it such as the request headers, response headers, request body and response body.
¥Double click on an action from your test in the actions sidebar. This will filter the network requests to only show the requests that were made during that action. Click the Show all button to see all network requests again.
¥Use the timeline to filter actions, by clicking a start point and dragging to an ending point. The network tab will also be filtered to only show the network requests that were made during the actions selected.
¥Next to the Actions tab you will find the Metadata tab which will show you more information on your test such as the Browser, viewport size, test duration and more.
"附件" 选项卡允许你浏览附件。如果你正在执行 视觉回归测试,你将能够通过检查图片差异、实际图片和预期图片来比较屏幕截图。当你单击所需的图片时,你可以使用滑块将一张图片滑动到另一张图片上,以便你可以轻松地看到屏幕截图中的差异。
¥The "Attachments" tab allows you to explore attachments. If you're doing visual regression testing, you'll be able to compare screenshots by examining the image diff, the actual image and the expected image. When you click on the expected image you can use the slider to slide one image over the other so you can easily see the differences in your screenshots.
¥Recording a trace locally
要在开发模式期间记录跟踪,请在运行测试时将 --trace
标志设置为 on
。你还可以使用 用户界面模式 来获得更好的开发者体验。
¥To record a trace during development mode set the --trace
flag to on
when running your tests. You can also use UI Mode for a better developer experience.
npx playwright test --trace on
然后,你可以打开 HTML 报告并单击跟踪图标以打开跟踪。
¥You can then open the HTML report and click on the trace icon to open the trace.
npx playwright show-report
在 CI 上记录跟踪
¥Recording a trace on CI
通过在测试配置文件中设置 trace: 'on-first-retry'
选项,应在第一次重试失败测试时在持续集成上运行跟踪。这将为每个重试的测试生成一个 trace.zip
¥Traces should be run on continuous integration on the first retry of a failed test by setting the trace: 'on-first-retry'
option in the test configuration file. This will produce a trace.zip
file for each test that was retried.
- Test
- Library
import { defineConfig } from '@playwright/test';
export default defineConfig({
retries: 1,
use: {
trace: 'on-first-retry',
const browser = await chromium.launch();
const context = await browser.newContext();
// Start tracing before creating / navigating a page.
await context.tracing.start({ screenshots: true, snapshots: true });
const page = await context.newPage();
await page.goto('https://playwright.nodejs.cn');
// Stop tracing and export it into a zip archive.
await context.tracing.stop({ path: 'trace.zip' });
¥Available options to record a trace:
- 仅在第一次重试测试时记录跟踪。¥
- Record a trace only when retrying a test for the first time. -
- 记录所有测试重试的痕迹。¥
- Record traces for all test retries. -
- 不记录痕迹。¥
- Do not record a trace. -
- 记录每个测试的痕迹。(不推荐,因为它的性能很重)¥
- Record a trace for each test. (not recommended as it's performance heavy) -
- 记录每个测试的跟踪,但将其从成功的测试运行中删除。¥
- Record a trace for each test, but remove it from successful test runs.
如果你不启用重试但仍希望跟踪失败的测试,你也可以使用 trace: 'retain-on-failure'
¥You can also use trace: 'retain-on-failure'
if you do not enable retries but still want traces for failed tests.
有更细粒度的选项可用,请参阅 testOptions.trace。
¥There are more granular options available, see testOptions.trace.
如果你不使用 Playwright 作为测试运行程序,请改用 browserContext.tracing API。
¥If you are not using Playwright as a Test Runner, use the browserContext.tracing API instead.
¥Opening the trace
你可以使用 Playwright CLI 或在 trace.playwright.dev
上的浏览器中打开保存的跟踪。确保添加 trace.zip
¥You can open the saved trace using the Playwright CLI or in your browser on trace.playwright.dev
. Make sure to add the full path to where your trace.zip
file is located.
npx playwright show-trace path/to/trace.zip
使用 trace.playwright.dev
¥Using trace.playwright.dev
trace.playwright.dev 是跟踪查看器的静态托管变体。你可以使用拖放功能上传跟踪文件。
¥trace.playwright.dev is a statically hosted variant of the Trace Viewer. You can upload trace files using drag and drop.
¥Viewing remote traces
你可以使用其 URL 打开远程跟踪。它们可以在 CI 运行时生成,这样可以轻松查看远程跟踪,而无需手动下载文件。
¥You can open remote traces using its URL. They could be generated on a CI run which makes it easy to view the remote trace without having to manually download the file.
npx playwright show-trace https://example.com/trace.zip
你还可以将某些可访问存储中上传的跟踪的 URL(例如在 CI 内)作为参数传递。CORS(跨域资源共享)规则可能适用。
¥You can also pass the URL of your uploaded trace (e.g. inside your CI) from some accessible storage as a parameter. CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) rules might apply.