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模拟浏览器 API



Playwright 为大多数浏览器功能提供原生支持。但是,有一些实验性 API 和尚未得到所有浏览器完全支持的 API。在这种情况下,Playwright 通常不提供专用的自动化 API。在这种情况下,你可以使用模拟来测试应用的行为。本指南提供了一些示例。

¥Playwright provides native support for most of the browser features. However, there are some experimental APIs and APIs which are not (yet) fully supported by all browsers. Playwright usually doesn't provide dedicated automation APIs in such cases. You can use mocks to test the behavior of your application in such cases. This guide gives a few examples.



让我们考虑一个使用 电池 API 显示设备电池状态的网络应用。我们将模拟电池 API 并检查页面是否正确显示电池状态。

¥Let's consider a web app that uses battery API to show your device's battery status. We'll mock the battery API and check that the page correctly displays the battery status.


¥Creating mocks

由于页面在加载时可能会很早就调用 API,因此在页面开始加载之前设置所有模拟非常重要。实现这一点的最简单方法是调用 page.addInitScript()

¥Since the page may be calling the API very early while loading it's important to setup all the mocks before the page started loading. The easiest way to achieve that is to call page.addInitScript():

await page.addInitScript(() => {
const mockBattery = {
level: 0.75,
charging: true,
chargingTime: 1800,
dischargingTime: Infinity,
addEventListener: () => { }
// Override the method to always return mock battery info.
window.navigator.getBattery = async () => mockBattery;

完成此操作后,你可以导航页面并检查其 UI 状态:

¥Once this is done you can navigate the page and check its UI state:

// Configure mock API before each test.
test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
await page.addInitScript(() => {
const mockBattery = {
level: 0.90,
charging: true,
chargingTime: 1800, // seconds
dischargingTime: Infinity,
addEventListener: () => { }
// Override the method to always return mock battery info.
window.navigator.getBattery = async () => mockBattery;

test('show battery status', async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto('/');
await expect(page.locator('.battery-percentage')).toHaveText('90%');
await expect(page.locator('.battery-status')).toHaveText('Adapter');
await expect(page.locator('.battery-fully')).toHaveText('00:30');

模拟只读 API

¥Mocking read-only APIs

某些 API 是只读的,因此你无法将其分配给导航器属性。例如,

¥Some APIs are read-only so you won't be able to assign to a navigator property. For example,

// Following line will have no effect.
navigator.cookieEnabled = true;

但是,如果属性是 configurable,你仍然可以使用纯 JavaScript 覆盖它:

¥However, if the property is configurable, you can still override it using the plain JavaScript:

await page.addInitScript(() => {
Object.defineProperty(Object.getPrototypeOf(navigator), 'cookieEnabled', { value: false });

验证 API 调用

¥Verifying API calls

有时检查页面是否进行了所有预期的 API 调用很有用。你可以记录所有 API 方法调用,然后将它们与黄金结果进行比较。page.exposeFunction() 可能会派上用场,将消息从页面传递回测试代码:

¥Sometimes it is useful to check if the page made all expected APIs calls. You can record all API method invocations and then compare them with golden result. page.exposeFunction() may come in handy for passing message from the page back to the test code:

test('log battery calls', async ({ page }) => {
const log = [];
// Expose function for pushing messages to the Node.js script.
await page.exposeFunction('logCall', msg => log.push(msg));
await page.addInitScript(() => {
const mockBattery = {
level: 0.75,
charging: true,
chargingTime: 1800,
dischargingTime: Infinity,
// Log addEventListener calls.
addEventListener: (name, cb) => logCall(`addEventListener:${name}`)
// Override the method to always return mock battery info.
window.navigator.getBattery = async () => {
return mockBattery;

await page.goto('/');
await expect(page.locator('.battery-percentage')).toHaveText('75%');

// Compare actual calls with golden.


¥Updating mock


¥To test that the app correctly reflects battery status updates it's important to make sure that the mock battery object fires same events that the browser implementation would. The following test demonstrates how to achieve that:

test('update battery status (no golden)', async ({ page }) => {
await page.addInitScript(() => {
// Mock class that will notify corresponding listeners when battery status changes.
class BatteryMock {
level = 0.10;
charging = false;
chargingTime = 1800;
dischargingTime = Infinity;
_chargingListeners = [];
_levelListeners = [];
addEventListener(eventName, listener) {
if (eventName === 'chargingchange')
if (eventName === 'levelchange')
// Will be called by the test.
_setLevel(value) {
this.level = value;
this._levelListeners.forEach(cb => cb());
_setCharging(value) {
this.charging = value;
this._chargingListeners.forEach(cb => cb());
const mockBattery = new BatteryMock();
// Override the method to always return mock battery info.
window.navigator.getBattery = async () => mockBattery;
// Save the mock object on window for easier access.
window.mockBattery = mockBattery;

await page.goto('/');
await expect(page.locator('.battery-percentage')).toHaveText('10%');

// Update level to 27.5%
await page.evaluate(() => window.mockBattery._setLevel(0.275));
await expect(page.locator('.battery-percentage')).toHaveText('27.5%');
await expect(page.locator('.battery-status')).toHaveText('Battery');

// Emulate connected adapter
await page.evaluate(() => window.mockBattery._setCharging(true));
await expect(page.locator('.battery-status')).toHaveText('Adapter');
await expect(page.locator('.battery-fully')).toHaveText('00:30');