使用 Playwright 的快照测试,你可以根据预定义的快照模板断言页面的可访问性树。
¥With Playwright's Snapshot testing you can assert the accessibility tree of a page against a predefined snapshot template.
await page.goto('https://playwright.nodejs.cn/');
await expect(page.getByRole('banner')).toMatchAriaSnapshot(`
- banner:
- heading /Playwright enables reliable end-to-end/ [level=1]
- link "Get started"
- link "Star microsoft/playwright on GitHub"
- link /[\\d]+k\\+ stargazers on GitHub/
¥Assertion testing vs Snapshot testing
¥Snapshot testing and assertion testing serve different purposes in test automation:
¥Assertion testing
断言测试是一种有针对性的方法,你可以在其中断言有关元素或组件的特定值或条件。例如,使用 Playwright,expect(locator).toHaveText() 验证元素是否包含预期文本,expect(locator).toHaveValue() 确认输入字段是否具有预期值。断言测试是特定的,通常检查元素或属性的当前状态与预期的预定义状态。它们适用于可预测的单值检查,但在测试更广泛的结构或变化时范围有限。
¥Assertion testing is a targeted approach where you assert specific values or conditions about elements or components. For instance, with Playwright, expect(locator).toHaveText() verifies that an element contains the expected text, and expect(locator).toHaveValue() confirms that an input field has the expected value. Assertion tests are specific and generally check the current state of an element or property against an expected, predefined state. They work well for predictable, single-value checks but are limited in scope when testing the broader structure or variations.
¥Clarity: The intent of the test is explicit and easy to understand.
¥Specificity: Tests focus on particular aspects of functionality, making them more robust against unrelated changes.
¥Debugging: Failures provide targeted feedback, pointing directly to the problematic aspect.
¥Verbose for complex outputs: Writing assertions for complex data structures or large outputs can be cumbersome and error-prone.
¥Maintenance overhead: As code evolves, manually updating assertions can be time-consuming.
¥Snapshot testing
¥Snapshot testing captures a “snapshot” or representation of the entire state of an element, component, or data at a given moment, which is then saved for future comparisons. When re-running tests, the current state is compared to the snapshot, and if there are differences, the test fails. This approach is especially useful for complex or dynamic structures, where manually asserting each detail would be too time-consuming. Snapshot testing is broader and more holistic than assertion testing, allowing you to track more complex changes over time.
简化复杂输出:例如,使用传统断言测试 UI 组件的渲染输出可能很繁琐。快照捕获整个输出以便于比较。
¥Simplifies complex outputs: For example, testing a UI component's rendered output can be tedious with traditional assertions. Snapshots capture the entire output for easy comparison.
¥Quick Feedback loop: Developers can easily spot unintended changes in the output.
¥Encourages consistency: Helps maintain consistent output as code evolves.
¥Over-Reliance: It can be tempting to accept changes to snapshots without fully understanding them, potentially hiding bugs.
¥Granularity: Large snapshots may be hard to interpret when differences arise, especially if minor changes affect large portions of the output.
¥Suitability: Not ideal for highly dynamic content where outputs change frequently or unpredictably.
¥When to use
¥Snapshot testing is ideal for:
整个页面和组件的 UI 测试。
¥UI testing of whole pages and components.
对复杂 UI 组件进行广泛的结构检查。
¥Broad structural checks for complex UI components.
¥Regression testing for outputs that rarely change structure.
¥Assertion testing is ideal for:
¥Core logic validation.
¥Computed value testing.
¥Fine-grained tests requiring precise conditions.
¥By combining snapshot testing for broad, structural checks and assertion testing for specific functionality, you can achieve a well-rounded testing strategy.
Aria 快照
¥Aria snapshots
在 Playwright 中,aria 快照提供页面可访问性树的 YAML 表示。这些快照可以存储并在以后进行比较,以验证页面结构是否保持一致或是否符合定义的期望。
¥In Playwright, aria snapshots provide a YAML representation of the accessibility tree of a page. These snapshots can be stored and compared later to verify if the page structure remains consistent or meets defined expectations.
YAML 格式描述了页面上可访问元素的层次结构,详细说明了角色、属性、值和文本内容。结构遵循树状语法,其中每个节点代表一个可访问元素,缩进表示嵌套元素。
¥The YAML format describes the hierarchical structure of accessible elements on the page, detailing roles, attributes, values, and text content. The structure follows a tree-like syntax, where each node represents an accessible element, and indentation indicates nested elements.
树中的每个可访问元素都表示为一个 YAML 节点:
¥Each accessible element in the tree is represented as a YAML node:
- role "name" [attribute=value]
角色:指定元素的 ARIA 或 HTML 角色(例如,
)。¥role: Specifies the ARIA or HTML role of the element (e.g.,
). -
用于正则表达式。¥"name": Accessible name of the element. Quoted strings indicate exact values,
are used for regular expression. -
[attribute=value]:方括号中的属性和值表示特定的 ARIA 属性,例如
。¥[attribute=value]: Attributes and values, in square brackets, represent specific ARIA attributes, such as
, orselected
这些值来自 ARIA 属性或基于 HTML 语义计算。要检查页面的可访问性树结构,请使用 Chrome DevTools 可访问性窗格。
¥These values are derived from ARIA attributes or calculated based on HTML semantics. To inspect the accessibility tree structure of a page, use the Chrome DevTools Accessibility Pane.
¥Snapshot matching
Playwright 中的 expect(locator).toMatchAriaSnapshot() 断言方法将定位器范围的可访问结构与预定义的 aria 快照模板进行比较,帮助根据测试要求验证页面的状态。
¥The expect(locator).toMatchAriaSnapshot() assertion method in Playwright compares the accessible structure of the locator scope with a predefined aria snapshot template, helping validate the page's state against testing requirements.
对于以下 DOM:
¥For the following DOM:
¥You can match it using the following snapshot template:
await expect(page.locator('body')).toMatchAriaSnapshot(`
- heading "title"
¥When matching, the snapshot template is compared to the current accessibility tree of the page:
¥If the tree structure matches the template, the test passes; otherwise, it fails, indicating a mismatch between expected and actual accessibility states.
¥The comparison is case-sensitive and collapses whitespace, so indentation and line breaks are ignored.
¥The comparison is order-sensitive, meaning the order of elements in the snapshot template must match the order in the page's accessibility tree.
¥Partial matching
¥You can perform partial matches on nodes by omitting attributes or accessible names, enabling verification of specific parts of the accessibility tree without requiring exact matches. This flexibility is helpful for dynamic or irrelevant attributes.
aria 快照
¥aria snapshot
- button
在此示例中,按钮角色已匹配,但未指定可访问名称 ("提交"),无论按钮的标签如何,测试都可以通过。
¥In this example, the button role is matched, but the accessible name ("Submit") is not specified, allowing the test to pass regardless of the button's label.
对于具有 ARIA 属性(如 checked
或 disabled
¥For elements with ARIA attributes like checked
or disabled
, omitting these attributes allows partial matching, focusing solely on role and hierarchy.
<input type="checkbox" checked>
用于部分匹配的 aria 快照
¥aria snapshot for partial match
- checkbox
¥In this partial match, the checked
attribute is ignored, so the test will pass regardless of the checkbox state.
¥Similarly, you can partially match children in lists or groups by omitting specific list items or nested elements.
<li>Feature A</li>
<li>Feature B</li>
<li>Feature C</li>
用于部分匹配的 aria 快照
¥aria snapshot for partial match
- list
- listitem: Feature B
¥Partial matches let you create flexible snapshot tests that verify essential page structure without enforcing specific content or attributes.
¥Matching with regular expressions
¥Regular expressions allow flexible matching for elements with dynamic or variable text. Accessible names and text can support regex patterns.
<h1>Issues 12</h1>
带有正则表达式的 aria 快照
¥aria snapshot with regular expression
- heading /Issues \d+/
¥Generating snapshots
在 Playwright 中创建 aria 快照有助于确保和维护应用的结构。你可以根据你的测试设置和工作流程以各种方式生成快照。
¥Creating aria snapshots in Playwright helps ensure and maintain your application's structure. You can generate snapshots in various ways depending on your testing setup and workflow.
使用 Playwright 代码生成器生成快照
¥Generating snapshots with the Playwright code generator
如果你使用的是 Playwright 的 代码生成器,则其交互式界面简化了 aria 快照的生成:
¥If you're using Playwright's Code Generator, generating aria snapshots is streamlined with its interactive interface:
"断言快照" 操作:在代码生成器中,你可以使用 "断言快照" 操作自动为所选元素创建快照断言。这是捕获 aria 快照作为记录测试流程的一部分的快速方法。
¥"Assert snapshot" Action: In the code generator, you can use the "Assert snapshot" action to automatically create a snapshot assertion for the selected elements. This is a quick way to capture the aria snapshot as part of your recorded test flow.
"Aria 快照" 选项卡:代码生成器界面中的 "Aria 快照" 选项卡以可视化方式表示所选定位器的 aria 快照,让你可以探索、检查和验证元素角色、属性和可访问名称,以帮助创建和审查快照。
¥"Aria snapshot" Tab: The "Aria snapshot" tab within the code generator interface visually represents the aria snapshot for a selected locator, letting you explore, inspect, and verify element roles, attributes, and accessible names to aid snapshot creation and review.
使用 @playwright/test
和 --update-snapshots
¥Updating snapshots with @playwright/test
and the --update-snapshots
使用 Playwright 测试运行器 (@playwright/test
) 时,你可以使用 --update-snapshots
标志自动更新快照,简称 -u
¥When using the Playwright test runner (@playwright/test
), you can automatically update snapshots with the --update-snapshots
flag, -u
for short.
使用 --update-snapshots
¥Running tests with the --update-snapshots
flag will update snapshots that did not match. Matching snapshots will not be updated.
npx playwright test --update-snapshots
当应用结构更改需要新快照作为基线时,更新快照很有用。请注意,Playwright 将等待测试运行器配置中指定的最大预期超时,以确保在拍摄快照之前页面已稳定。如果测试在生成快照时超时,可能需要调整 --timeout
¥Updating snapshots is useful when application structure changes require new snapshots as a baseline. Note that Playwright will wait for the maximum expect timeout specified in the test runner configuration to ensure the page is settled before taking the snapshot. It might be necessary to adjust the --timeout
if the test hits the timeout while generating snapshots.
¥Empty template for snapshot generation
¥Passing an empty string as the template in an assertion generates a snapshot on-the-fly:
await expect(locator).toMatchAriaSnapshot('');
请注意,Playwright 将等待测试运行器配置中指定的最大预期超时,以确保在拍摄快照之前页面已稳定。如果测试在生成快照时超时,可能需要调整 --timeout
¥Note that Playwright will wait for the maximum expect timeout specified in the test runner configuration to ensure the page is settled before taking the snapshot. It might be necessary to adjust the --timeout
if the test hits the timeout while generating snapshots.
¥Snapshot patch files
更新快照时,Playwright 会创建用于捕获差异的补丁文件。这些补丁文件可以进行审查、应用和提交到源代码控制,允许团队跟踪随时间的结构变化并确保更新与应用要求一致。
¥When updating snapshots, Playwright creates patch files that capture differences. These patch files can be reviewed, applied, and committed to source control, allowing teams to track structural changes over time and ensure updates are consistent with application requirements.
可以使用 --update-source-method
¥The way source code is updated can be changed using the --update-source-method
flag. There are several options available:
git apply
应用于源代码的统一差异文件。¥"patch" (default): Generates a unified diff file that can be applied to the source code using
git apply
. -
¥"3way": Generates merge conflict markers in your source code, allowing you to choose whether to accept changes.
¥"overwrite": Overwrites the source code with the new snapshot values.
npx playwright test --update-snapshots --update-source-mode=3way
¥Snapshots as separate files
要将快照存储在单独的文件中,请使用带有 name
选项的 toMatchAriaSnapshot
方法,并指定 .aria.yml
¥To store your snapshots in a separate file, use the toMatchAriaSnapshot
method with the name
option, specifying a .aria.yml
file extension.
await expect(page.getByRole('main')).toMatchAriaSnapshot({ name: 'main.aria.yml' });
默认情况下,测试文件 example.spec.ts
的快照放置在 example.spec.ts-snapshots
目录中。由于快照在各个浏览器之间应该相同,因此即使使用多个浏览器进行测试,也只会保存一个快照。如果你愿意,可以使用以下配置自定义 快照路径模板:
¥By default, snapshots from a test file example.spec.ts
are placed in the example.spec.ts-snapshots
directory. As snapshots should be the same across browsers, only one snapshot is saved even if testing with multiple browsers. Should you wish, you can customize the snapshot path template using the following configuration:
export default defineConfig({
expect: {
toMatchAriaSnapshot: {
pathTemplate: '__snapshots__/{testFilePath}/{arg}{ext}',
使用 Locator.ariaSnapshot
¥Using the Locator.ariaSnapshot
locator.ariaSnapshot() 方法允许你以编程方式创建定位器范围内可访问元素的 YAML 表示,这对于在测试执行期间动态生成快照特别有用。
¥The locator.ariaSnapshot() method allows you to programmatically create a YAML representation of accessible elements within a locator's scope, especially helpful for generating snapshots dynamically during test execution.
const snapshot = await page.locator('body').ariaSnapshot();
此命令以 YAML 格式输出指定定位器范围内的 aria 快照,你可以根据需要验证或存储它。
¥This command outputs the aria snapshot within the specified locator's scope in YAML format, which you can validate or store as needed.
¥Accessibility tree examples
¥Headings with level attributes
标题可以包含指示其标题级别的 level
¥Headings can include a level
attribute indicating their heading level.
aria 快照
¥aria snapshot
- heading "Title" [level=1]
- heading "Subtitle" [level=2]
¥Text nodes
¥Standalone or descriptive text elements appear as text nodes.
<div>Sample accessible name</div>
aria 快照
¥aria snapshot
- text: Sample accessible name
¥Inline multiline text
多行文本(例如段落)在 aria 快照中被规范化。
¥Multiline text, such as paragraphs, is normalized in the aria snapshot.
<p>Line 1<br>Line 2</p>
aria 快照
¥aria snapshot
- paragraph: Line 1 Line 2
¥Links display their text or composed content from pseudo-elements.
<a href="#more-info">Read more about Accessibility</a>
aria 快照
¥aria snapshot
- link "Read more about Accessibility"
¥Text boxes
类型为 text
的输入元素显示其 value
¥Input elements of type text
show their value
attribute content.
<input type="text" value="Enter your name">
aria 快照
¥aria snapshot
- textbox: Enter your name
¥Lists with items
¥Ordered and unordered lists include their list items.
<ul aria-label="Main Features">
<li>Feature 1</li>
<li>Feature 2</li>
aria 快照
¥aria snapshot
- list "Main Features":
- listitem: Feature 1
- listitem: Feature 2
¥Grouped elements
组捕获嵌套元素,例如带有摘要内容的 <details>
¥Groups capture nested elements, such as <details>
elements with summary content.
<p>Detail content here</p>
aria 快照
¥aria snapshot
- group: Summary
¥Attributes and states
常用的 ARIA 属性,如 checked
和 selected
¥Commonly used ARIA attributes, like checked
, disabled
, expanded
, level
, pressed
, and selected
, represent control states.
具有 checked
¥Checkbox with checked
<input type="checkbox" checked>
aria 快照
¥aria snapshot
- checkbox [checked]
具有 pressed
¥Button with pressed
<button aria-pressed="true">Toggle</button>
aria 快照
¥aria snapshot
- button "Toggle" [pressed=true]