Touchscreen 类在相对于视口左上角的主框架 CSS 像素中运行。触摸屏上的方法只能在已将 hasTouch
设置为 true 的情况下初始化的浏览器上下文中使用。
¥The Touchscreen class operates in main-frame CSS pixels relative to the top-left corner of the viewport. Methods on the touchscreen can only be used in browser contexts that have been initialized with hasTouch
set to true.
此类仅限于模拟点击手势。有关通过手动分派触摸事件模拟的其他手势的示例,请参阅 模拟旧版触摸事件 页面。
¥This class is limited to emulating tap gestures. For examples of other gestures simulated by manually dispatching touch events, see the emulating legacy touch events page.
Added before v1.9在位置 (x,y) 处单击一次即可调度 touchstart
和 touchend
¥Dispatches a touchstart
and touchend
event with a single touch at the position (x,y).
如果浏览器上下文的 hasTouch 选项为 false,则 page.tap() 该方法将抛出异常。
¥page.tap() the method will throw if hasTouch option of the browser context is false.
await touchscreen.tap(x, y);
相对于主框架视口的 X 坐标(以 CSS 像素为单位)。
¥X coordinate relative to the main frame's viewport in CSS pixels.
相对于主框架视口的 Y 坐标(以 CSS 像素为单位)。
¥Y coordinate relative to the main frame's viewport in CSS pixels.