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Selenium 网格(实验)



Playwright 可以连接到运行 Selenium 4 的 Selenium 网格中心 以启动 Google Chrome 或 Microsoft Edge 浏览器,而不是在本地计算机上运行浏览器。请注意,此功能是实验性的,并具有相应的优先级。

¥Playwright can connect to Selenium Grid Hub that runs Selenium 4 to launch Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge browser, instead of running browser on the local machine. Note this feature is experimental and is prioritized accordingly.


未来 Playwright 与 Selenium Grid Hub 的集成存在中断的风险。在使用它之前,请确保权衡风险和收益。

¥There is a risk of Playwright integration with Selenium Grid Hub breaking in the future. Make sure you weight risks against benefits before using it.

More details

在内部,Playwright 使用 Chrome 开发者工具协议 websocket 连接到浏览器。Selenium 4 目前公开了此功能。但是,这个 将来可能不会这样。如果 Selenium 放弃此功能,Playwright 将停止使用它。

¥Internally, Playwright connects to the browser using Chrome DevTools Protocol websocket. Selenium 4 currently exposes this capability. However, this might not be the case in the future. If Selenium drops this capability, Playwright will stop working with it.

在将 Playwright 连接到 Selenium Grid 之前,请确保该网格适用于 Selenium 网络驱动程序。例如,运行 例子之一 并传递 SELENIUM_REMOTE_URL 环境变量。如果 webdriver 示例不起作用,请在 Selenium hub/node/standalone 输出中查找任何错误,并搜索 Selenium 问题 寻找可能的解决方案。

¥Before connecting Playwright to your Selenium Grid, make sure that grid works with Selenium WebDriver. For example, run one of the examples and pass SELENIUM_REMOTE_URL environment variable. If webdriver example does not work, look for any errors at your Selenium hub/node/standalone output and search Selenium issues for a possible solution.


¥Starting Selenium Grid

如果你运行分布式 Selenium Grid,Playwright 需要使用可访问的地址注册 selenium 节点,以便它可以连接到浏览器。为了确保它按预期工作,请在运行 selenium 节点时设置指向集线器的 SE_NODE_GRID_URL 环境变量。

¥If you run distributed Selenium Grid, Playwright needs selenium nodes to be registered with an accessible address, so that it could connect to the browsers. To make sure it works as expected, set SE_NODE_GRID_URL environment variable pointing to the hub when running selenium nodes.

# Start selenium node
SE_NODE_GRID_URL="http://<selenium-hub-ip>:4444" java -jar selenium-server-<version>.jar node

将 Playwright 连接到 Selenium Grid

¥Connecting Playwright to Selenium Grid

要将 Playwright 连接到 Selenium Grid 4,请设置 SELENIUM_REMOTE_URL 环境变量指向你的 Selenium Grid Hub。请注意,这仅适用于 Google Chrome 和 Microsoft Edge。

¥To connect Playwright to Selenium Grid 4, set SELENIUM_REMOTE_URL environment variable pointing to your Selenium Grid Hub. Note that this only works for Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge.

SELENIUM_REMOTE_URL=http://<selenium-hub-ip>:4444 npx playwright test

你不必更改代码,只需像往常一样使用测试工具或 browserType.launch() 即可。

¥You don't have to change your code, just use your testing harness or browserType.launch() as usual.


¥Passing additional capabilities

如果你的网格需要设置其他功能(例如,你使用外部服务),你可以设置 SELENIUM_REMOTE_CAPABILITIES 环境变量以提供 JSON 序列化功能。

¥If your grid requires additional capabilities to be set (for example, you use an external service), you can set SELENIUM_REMOTE_CAPABILITIES environment variable to provide JSON-serialized capabilities.

SELENIUM_REMOTE_URL=http://<selenium-hub-ip>:4444 SELENIUM_REMOTE_CAPABILITIES="{'mygrid:options':{os:'windows',username:'John',password:'secure'}}" npx playwright test


¥Passing additional headers

如果你的网格需要设置额外的标头(例如,你应该提供授权令牌才能在云中使用浏览器),你可以设置 SELENIUM_REMOTE_HEADERS 环境变量以提供 JSON 序列化标头。

¥If your grid requires additional headers to be set (for example, you should provide authorization token to use browsers in your cloud), you can set SELENIUM_REMOTE_HEADERS environment variable to provide JSON-serialized headers.

SELENIUM_REMOTE_URL=http://<selenium-hub-ip>:4444 SELENIUM_REMOTE_HEADERS="{'Authorization':'OAuth 12345'}" npx playwright test


¥Detailed logs

使用 DEBUG=pw:browser* 环境变量运行以查看 Playwright 如何连接到 Selenium Grid。

¥Run with DEBUG=pw:browser* environment variable to see how Playwright is connecting to Selenium Grid.

DEBUG=pw:browser* SELENIUM_REMOTE_URL=http://internal.grid:4444 npx playwright test


¥If you file an issue, please include this log.

使用 Selenium Docker

¥Using Selenium Docker

使用 Selenium Grid 的一种简单方法是运行官方 docker 容器。请阅读 selenium docker 镜像 文档了解更多信息。有关实验手臂图片,请参阅 docker-seleniarm

¥One easy way to use Selenium Grid is to run official docker containers. Read more in selenium docker images documentation. For experimental arm images, see docker-seleniarm.


¥Standalone mode

以下是独立运行 selenium 并将 Playwright 连接到它的示例。请注意,集线器和节点位于同一 localhost 上,并且我们传递指向它的 SE_NODE_GRID_URL 环境变量。

¥Here is an example of running selenium standalone and connecting Playwright to it. Note that hub and node are on the same localhost, and we pass SE_NODE_GRID_URL environment variable pointing to it.


¥First start Selenium.

docker run -d -p 4444:4444 --shm-size="2g" -e SE_NODE_GRID_URL="http://localhost:4444" selenium/standalone-chrome:4.3.0-20220726

# Alternatively for arm architecture
docker run -d -p 4444:4444 --shm-size="2g" -e SE_NODE_GRID_URL="http://localhost:4444" seleniarm/standalone-chromium:103.0

然后运行 Playwright。

¥Then run Playwright.

SELENIUM_REMOTE_URL=http://localhost:4444 npx playwright test


¥Hub and nodes mode

以下是运行 selenium hub 和单个 selenium 节点并将 Playwright 连接到 hub 的示例。请注意,集线器和节点具有不同的 IP,并且我们在启动节点容器时传递指向集线器的 SE_NODE_GRID_URL 环境变量。

¥Here is an example of running selenium hub and a single selenium node, and connecting Playwright to the hub. Note that hub and node have different IPs, and we pass SE_NODE_GRID_URL environment variable pointing to the hub when starting node containers.

首先启动 hub 容器和一个或多个节点容器。

¥First start the hub container and one or more node containers.

docker run -d -p 4442-4444:4442-4444 --name selenium-hub selenium/hub:4.3.0-20220726
docker run -d -p 5555:5555 \
--shm-size="2g" \
-e SE_EVENT_BUS_HOST=<selenium-hub-ip> \
-e SE_NODE_GRID_URL="http://<selenium-hub-ip>:4444"

# Alternatively for arm architecture
docker run -d -p 4442-4444:4442-4444 --name selenium-hub seleniarm/hub:4.3.0-20220728
docker run -d -p 5555:5555 \
--shm-size="2g" \
-e SE_EVENT_BUS_HOST=<selenium-hub-ip> \
-e SE_NODE_GRID_URL="http://<selenium-hub-ip>:4444"

然后运行 Playwright。

¥Then run Playwright.

SELENIUM_REMOTE_URL=http://<selenium-hub-ip>:4444 npx playwright test

Selenium 3

在内部,Playwright 使用 Chrome 开发者工具协议 websocket 连接到浏览器。Selenium 4 公开了此功能,而 Selenium 3 则没有。

¥Internally, Playwright connects to the browser using Chrome DevTools Protocol websocket. Selenium 4 exposes this capability, while Selenium 3 does not.

这意味着 Selenium 3 以尽力而为的方式得到支持,其中 Playwright 尝试直接连接到网格节点。网格节点必须可以从运行 Playwright 的计算机直接访问。

¥This means that Selenium 3 is supported in a best-effort manner, where Playwright tries to connect to the grid node directly. Grid nodes must be directly accessible from the machine that runs Playwright.